Monday, April 20, 2009

Writing our stories

painting our pictures

exploring our answers

creating our dreams

Let me share with you a story

  a sharing of my journey; who i am, and how i've come to understand what i understandimg_0103

  Be awoken to your journey.

  Through whichever paths are for you, through whichever opportunities you embrace

  allow your self to be inspired


  engage your journey, create your journey and share your journey: with passion

  your soul's fuel for guiding your journey.


live with identity & passion, understanding and compassion = enjoy life


learn to know yourself

yourpassions yourenergy, your being

be open to opportunities 

explore identities

explore interests

learn culture and heritage

find and create yourself

allow yourself to experience interests

engage yourself in many and train in those you love

listen to music, look into art, get active, play sport

move to music

create communications

living with identity,

smile at yourself

laugh with yourself

live as joy in the moments

yet make time to aspire for the moments to come.

see yourself in others


and be respected

offer yourself 

yourpassion your kindness your sincerity

through your out put of energy

you will prosper

challenge yourself of your weaknesses

make time to sometimes walk slowly

while embracing the energy of the world around you

be one with it

play your part of it . consciously. 

make time to tune into yourself, to create yourself, to love yourself

allow time to feel yourself with every sense


enjoy the journey

know that there is always something to learn, an opportunity to be recognized, a stranger welcoming your kindness

they may be your next doorstep

know that life is an experience, a journey to be appreciated, an opportunity to contribute to the world

so live your life as the footprint you love to be.

Be yourself


Breathe in life's moments

Experience Joy through your path

Radiate Peace



Friday, April 17, 2009

Journey of Man: Our Journey Home

I watched an awesome documentary lastnight,...much appreciate coming across such great connections like that!
'Journey of Man', is a film that shares the story of how human beings, of all races and cultures can be linked back to Africa, the birth of humanity through evolution.... you have to watch it to get full appreciation and understanding of how it happened. (Even the understanding of how pigment of skin had to change to allow more sun (vitamin d) into our systems, whereas in africa, they are in stronger sunlight, so their skin remains darker.)

*The film is told through the passion of a scientist who studies dna and travels to africa, australia, middle east, northern russia. It then tells the story of how peoples could have traveled to what is now the americas by showing footage of people today living in the ice tundra, taming herds of reindeer, in which a community of people, those generations ago, would have crossed over.

This whole evolutionary process is a journey over thousands of years. This film inspires a sense of how beautiful our journey has been, while also sharing a sense of importance to recognize how dramatic the change has been within the last few thousand of years - where today we are at an information age ---consciousness revolution of remembering the journey ---.

As for my filming project, I am feeling confident about accomplishing it. I sense that I can use footage I have, while now getting out there to get interviews done. It will be a unique style of animation within transitions,...and for the many stories that are important to share, I can make 'sequence clips' that can be added in as 'extras', as I so choose. Lots of information to share! And I love to organize my understandings through creative filmmaking & sharing of inspirational awareness! Sweeet :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ready for the path to unfold

well well well,......
I find myself at a patch of 'unsteadyness' yet I recognize that ALL IS WELL. I just need to stay focused, remain conscious of my thoughts, my creative ability to MAKE things happen/be creative for Producing what is our Vision.
'VISIONS into REALities is the 'pin' that fell into my washing machine a day before I left for out west. Along with a neck clip for UBC, this was coincidentally grabbed with my load of laundry...

being within all that I have been up to, with my ideas constantly being formulated and new experience being added -staying focused on a creative task-to have output for all the work I am doing!! takes conscious effort. and i love to do this, but it takes dedication and commitment of conscious effort. THIS I AM READY TO DO! SO ready to do. i am excited about my visions, my understandings, my artistic potential to create 'masterpieces' of expressing/sharing understandings of who we are, -through our heritage- and -inspiration towards all people who desire to live with their passion, their potentials.

In doing so, these passionate visions take sincere effort to put forth,... as there is so much, i find it is a good time to 'narrow in' on a part of the awareness that we wish to begin with.

olympic dreamer vision of united in potentials of art and physical health: creativity shared through expression and optimum physical ability
through determination, conscious focus and passionate lifestyle towards dreams: dreams become reality
living with identity allows appreciation of life -fully

athletes unite from various 'cities that carry the spirit of united', beijing, --athens,-- vancouver south africa

ie-heritage of every landscape and story to be remembered
liberties, society perspective

ie- sustainability, plants/cycle of life/nutrition/medicine --teaching children-'remembering for ourselves'- respect and reverence for nature

ie- travel, information, technologies, media, artistic and united sharing of experience --'world united'

All of this is wonderfull! and I love that experiences continually, and have come together sooo beautifully for me to share this message,...and actually a lot of it has been inspired through what i've been lovingly 'brought to'.... THANKYOU!.... it has been wonderful to attend such experiences that have allowed me to learn and continually create/work with/write understandings...

NOW WE TAKE IT TO A STAGE OF WRITTEN SCRIPT/INTERVIEWS/B-ROLL/TRANSITIONS OF EACH IDEA I USE. I can write a budget as well....and MANAGE my time so i can create it fully...
woho! :)

alright JL, to myself i say,.... dreams are here. lets make it happen. i have the photos, footage, storyline within understandings,...and artistic passion!! to accomplish all that i imagine -and more! as i am allways brought through lovely opportunity and Connections!! :):):)

on a side note,
although i have found myself alittle 'overwhelmly' feelings periods of stress,....
(because of not having dealt with a steady job of pay,...) and i am in between these random opportunities that i am not quite sure about yet... I CHOOSE TO RELAX IN THE MOMENT. i choose to recognize that wherever i am is offering me opportunity for growth///

it will all work out, because i am now putting forth a steady effort to get a job that will pay well, and offer me happy experience so jocelyn can be joyful! hha :).... it is important for me to be happy right now/not stressed.... because i can feel the creativity within me when it is strong, or when it is worn down. ***impt to remember, 'breathe in life',...allow yourself time for YOU to know YOU. work with your thoughts. get them to where you want to be. if your heart is not with you, breathe. do something to get it there, or move yourself to be where you belong.

Love yourself.
and learn to Know yourself so you can love yourself fully.
Listen to your heart and Live as your heart.
-let your consious mind be your companion.
Make time for yourself to do the things you know you love to do
and make time to explore things you may love to do.
Get Engaged in the community around you
Welcome yourself to it
and know that you can bring things to it as well.

The world is yours to experience
and the world most definately loves you to contribute yourself.
There are fields that are allways ready for your passions to be planted.

Live your life so that when it is your experience to move on
your footprint is appreciated and felt upon the ground in which you now choose to walk.


I love this poem!! and it 'comes from the heart' ( :) Love you amanda!! and my aborginal studies class)

still, as JL I declare it is time to see things happen -and be happy!!!, while making them happen! Jobs - i choose to find PASSION behind all i do, i embrace all opportunity by getting out 'into the FIELD!!!!!!!' to meet the people that will see my passion and offer me a 'job of my dreams!! ' wohoo!! :) LOVE

Monday, March 30, 2009

Making it Happen

I am really ready to bring forward the creation/storyline of the documentary I am going to be creating.  With the events going on over the next week, and with the conversations I've had since bringing myself on this journey, I am at a beautiful place to make it happen! :)

I also wish to say that this past weekend, in which the Juno's were celebrated through out Vancouver -and granville street was turned into a full on party for 2 blocks,...was awesome! It was great to be able to party in the 'center of the city', which I feel is an important place to share cultural experiences.  
-Through the weekend-
* A truly memorable and appreciated experience was when I went to the aboriginal honoring for the nominees, as it is such a sense of community within aboriginal peoples.  I am happy to be a part of this shared energy.  Truly beautiful, shared in heart, experience.  
* An appreciated experience during the week, was also attending 'Artstarts', in which children were taught the music, drumming, dance and culture of indian heritage and identity

------------------------------Junos street party--------------------
Through out the weekend, I found it great that there was so much talent playing on the stages, including local and varied talent, in which my eyes were opened to the fact that music really is limitless.... the first band that I saw at the street party was called 'Delhi to Dublin', and I respected that the girl in the band was a fidler.  Another band called 'Bike', had a stage full of bandmembers, including trumpets...(and i was happy to see them using 2 cameras to film this event for themselves while handing out cd's ! smart. :) ) 
*The point being, it is wonderful to see music being made through instruments that offer original sounds compared to what is currently 'mainstream'.  *Also, having just finished my aboriginal class, in which we learned about fiddlers, I realize that it is cool that cultures of heritage are able to merge into appreciated music, recognized by the public.

-----One of the days I walked the street, saw cbc setting up for a live news feed, and then while on camera, they showed 'Divine Brown', who was playing 'down the street'.  ---so i walked for a minute, and entered the tent... :)  She was awesome -full of energy and communicating to the audience with passion...while also having dancers on stage that were very into performing as well! Also, she was handing out '' in which you can download free music of hers.  smart! :):) and why gets your name out and shows you care about the music.  I ended up buying her cd to support her anyways :)
-----I then met who was doing interviews for fans of elise astrada.  Good times in which I went with my newfound friends into the tent after the concert and met some people in the business
----later that night I went back to the street party :) for the trews concert... much appreciated always...they put on a great heart felt show!  Making it back to the tent after the concert, I met my friend who manages artists through 'Global Music'.  
Appreciated connections made this weekend for my artist passionate side of music! I love to interview/film the experience of bands/performing/artists.

*To wrap up the days of the Juno's, I ran into my friend J.  We had lovely chats, which gave inspiration for direction of filming for sharing our story.
-----storytelling awareness and appreciation of passion, potential, engagement in opportunity :)

I drove the 'sea to sky' today, and came up to a sign that says 'developments that value heritage and the values of people and harmony'.  This is what it's about!

Storytelling through the arts and cultures that are able to be shared through 'United Culture of Olympics' -yet respecting peoples of this land, the heritage of who we are that lives with reverence for nature.  Our lives are about living in harmony within what modern day has brought us.  We can appreciate the developments of our technologies that have brought us to a world that is 'connected' with means of sharing experience using music, dance, art, film,..... yet living through awareness and harmony of our environment is to offer respect for ourselves and the generations that will be able to appreciate these things as well! 

This week is the farm trek to save UBC's farm, (apparently the only urban farm left in the world?!) This example really opens up the opportunity for my documentary's message of 'appreciating culture and the developments and opportunities that modern day has brought us (such as means of travel, internet, movies, CONCERTS..... yet respecting heritage and life in harmony with nature.'
This week there is also a drumming event of '4 indigenous cultures come together'.... sweet! 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hunny buns!! It's My Birthday!!!!!!!! :)

my fellow peoples, and wonderfull people we are!!
MUCH LOVE to all on this day,.....I am LOVING IT,...I always do love my birthday (it is the day that is yours, so cherish it!) matter what I am doing, whether it's hearing the pleasant calls from loved ones, or reading appreciated moments from friends -you know online facebook connections- really CONNECT US.  So awesome to be able to stay in touch with people.... really...MAKES YOU REALIZE THE KIND OF WORLD WE ARE IN! :) very connected, and evermore connected through technologies and traveling....
I love that these combined, allow us to share cultural diversity and heritage awareness.  A beautiful time indeed!
ANYWAYS,.. yay my birthday!!  Every year is a great one, but this one seems to have a unique twist.   First of all, I am in vancouver, a city that I realize I will now be living in, at least for the year, and quite likely for a few -seeing as the filming/artistic world of opportunity is sooooo readily available!!! :)- i have had nothing but great connections and contacts with people.  It is appreciated being here, to stay :), because with all the traveling I've done, I am used to seeing a city/cultural vibe, and then moving on (bahamas yoga retreat, amsterdam, athens/greece, new york city, nicaragua .... my recent travels this past year).  So it is VERYYYYY NICE, to be 'stilled', to be able to get in tune with the vibe of this city, work among it, and create my own niche within it.
The niche has been coming along wonderfully!! :)

This week has again, been full of opportunity and learning.  I attended a sound design open house at Vancouver Film School.  WOW, such great people, such a great vibe there....and INDEED, some well valued, appreciated connections made there.  For example, the wonderful sound put forth through videos that a passionate individual, John Sawa created.  I love seeing a powerful message put forth through videos..... and INDEED!!!!!!!!!!! I will be incorporating this style within my documentaries that I am in the midst of developing.  (* I wish to point out, how very grateful I am for how this journey has been manifesting, the story has really been unfolding...and no doubt continues to unfold.  But I am at a point, where I can begin to 'formulate' the storyline through the interviews that I have been among :).  YAY.   This is exciting, .....greatly exciting!! Because it is my first 'organized' piece, in which I am going to be applying for -and expecting to receive grants, work helpers!! (yayyaayayyyaya super yayay, because the work (which has been a lot of creative editing), I have thus far been doing on my own)  Having help is going to be wonderfull!! :):)

+I wish to also say, that walking home from the Sound Design open house at the Burrard campus was very well taken in!  I walked over the Burrard bridge,...taking my time and thinking about all the experiences I've had, and how I am going to be creating for 'It's all happening ----Now,---making it happen'. :):)
In this, I recognize the 'events of my journey', all being part of the artistic inspiration among our shared journey that I am so happy to share.  My journey is a part of the overall message that I am creating through United Awareness & Culture,....recognizing this, I LOVE, TRULY LOVE, that I get to create artistic representations of the journey I am on,...that I get to create music, and videos that express the experiences, understandings and passion that is my inspiration deep within.  
I am to share the journey of 'ART experienced' :) and I look forward to doing so!! I LOVE being within creativity and awareness inspiration...and I am ready to begin my 'creating career' of music, video clips, and Our Story- shared through the voices of diverse culture, heritage and festival celebrations...With this present project of 'Multicultural Journey towards common culture', I Now see the balance, yinyang of the story.  I came to vancouver, ready to film the joyousness of cultural identities coming together for Olympic common culture,....yet at the same time we have to understand the 'other side', that paints a bigger picture of the actions that face humanity as a whole.  Aboriginal way of life, in harmony with nature.  Offering opportunity for All people to be inspired to live with passion and potential. --education, social housing, RESPECT for each other and our environment-- :):)!!!
Love, and I love that last night has opened my eyes to this opportunity to be the best it can be.  And this includes getting those who 'carry the bag' of talent, in each area - to be a part of this production!! 
Cheers and much LOVE, -JL closing for now,.... 
I am very happy to attend such an events. I am attending another one today for 'master of digital media and entertainment technology', which is taking place at the emily carr institute of design.  These experiences that I love to bring myself to, offer inspirational ideas and awareness of the media world that is all around us! Whether you would enroll or not, the experience to be gained is truly of value for any artist or passionate person looking to be inspired or make connections.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ready for JL REALity

Hello to you all. Thanks for taking the time to learn about United Culture through JL REALity. I am JL, and I will be taking you with me as we journey -beyond land and time- to the many celebrations and festivals of appreciating culture!
As JL, I am very passionate about sharing what I have come to understand about our world, -our heritage and cultural diversity. I congratulate you on making the effort to learn about who we are and where we've come from. It's an exciting journey to see the links of our changes in history that have now brought us a connected world -through communication and travel technologies- we live in a new world of ability to learn and get involved in what we want to do that contributes to the world around us.
Getting engaged in the world around you is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Feel inspired to pursue your dreams!

I love to hear from you, and I respect anyone who chooses to offer their opinion, perspective, and passions. I invite you to share any aspect of yourself and your ideas. At the same time, I do encourage you to research yourSelf and your opinions with an open mind! It is important to learn for yourself why you think a certain way and to be able to explain why you believe a certain thing. We are each raised in environments that are full of beliefs and values, but EXPLORING and KNOWING yourSelf and Your perspective, is what life is all about. So Know Yourself, so you can have a conversation about WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE what you choose to be.

====Keep in mind, your life is your opportunity to share your voice & to share your story. How do you choose to contribute to consciousness and the world's experience? What is your legacy? What is your footprint that is to be left on humanity, the planet, the universe as a whole?


It is my passion to inspire each of us-- to know ourself and to be the best we can be. Living with 'PASSION POTENTIALS' is what I envision.
My advice is to EXPLORE YOUR INTERESTS. Learn your opinions, unfilter your perspective. DEVELOP YOUR CREATIVITY AND LIVE YOUR PASSIONS! Be Inspired. Be open to inspiration and opportunity. Look for the opportunity in everything.

The world awaits to hear your message, and so do I!


To let you know a bit more of where I am coming from,
I recognize that our world is now globally and technically connected, so we can use these brilliant opportunities to share who we are, and where we've been. I love to research culture and heritage while looking into the events and festivals that I can attend, in order to experience a story of awareness. While experiencing culture, I love to film it and photograph it, as then I can use my captured moments to share my passion, awareness and understanding. Through creating artistic expressions, I am able to offer the experience of 'United in Culture and Awareness'.

My journey and vision is to share with you the inspirational understanding --- 'WE'RE ALL ONE WELCOMES OUR CULTURAL IDENTITIES TO PARADISE'.

It is our truth and purpose in life to experience that we are united through celebrations and festivals of cultural appreciation.

World Party

-much, much Love